# Orders
Table of content:
# How can you as our supplier receive our orders in the future?
It does not matter which of the three potential options below you choose for the ordering process, because all will be free of charge for you. In the following, we will introduce the three different options which you can use from now on to receive our orders.
# Direct Connection (cXML)
Means an electronic Direct Connection between two IT / ERP systems (Yours and ours); in our case a cXML connection is used. This enables an automatic, electronical exchange of order and invoicing data. This option is recommended if you receive more than 100 orders per week from us or you simply benefit from a high automation of the order processing.
# Portal (Coupa Supplier Network Portal – CSN)
The CSN offers you a comfortable and user friendly access to all your orders. Only an initial registration in the CSN tool is necessary or we invite you to the CSN tool respectively. In the case you are using the CSN tool already with a different client the initial registration is not necessary anymore. Moreover, it is possible to maintain and upload catalogs online. We recommend this option if you receive more than one order per week from us and if you want to process orders via a catalog.
# E-Mails based on Supplier Actionable Notification (SAN)
The order transfer via SAN is the standard process for submitting PO’s to our suppliers. The included information in the E-Mail enables you to confirm the order online as well as a direct access to our Coupa platform (without prior registration). Additionally you can submit electronic invoices to us on the same way (see electronic invoicing).
# Acknowledge PO/ Delivery Note
Where should you pay more attention while creating a delivery note in the future? To ensure a smooth ordering process, we would like to ask you to follow these steps while acknowledging our orders and creating a delivery note (you will find these steps on every Purchase order as well):
Please accept this order within 48 hours after receipt of this PO. Otherwise we assume that you do not accept this order.
In order to accept our P.O., please press the “Acknowledge PO” button at the top or the bottom of this PO. You will have the possibility to insert potential changes or remarks within the PO acknowledgement procedure.
Send all correspondence regarding the ordered goods and/or services to (these fields will be automatically prefilled with the respective data from the requester in the PO):
- [Name oft he Requester]
- [Company Name]
- [Street Address]
- [City, ST ZIP Code]
- [Phone Number]
- [Fax Number]
In case we have not contractually agreed on special conditions, the Zalando General Purchasing Conditions shall apply.
The P.O. number must appear on all related correspondence, shipping papers, and invoices.
Please note that the supplier agrees to send invoices exclusively electronical (incl. PDF format via e-mail) and not in a physical way (paper via post). Zalando provides a tool for the supplier to create invoices. Zalando informs the business partners about the tool separately.